"; echo "".$alt."\n"; if ($center) echo "
\n"; } function put_bar () { put_image("images/greyline.gif",300,3,0,0,0,"Line",""); echo "
\n"; } function put_title($name, $width,$alt) { put_bar(); put_image("images/".$name.".gif",$width,31,0,0,0,$alt,""); echo "
\n"; } function nomadII_header() { put_image("images/nomadiilinux.png",633,139,1,0,0, "Nomad II Linux Driver Home Page",""); } function nomadII_internal_links() { global $MAIN; put_image("images/menu.gif",131,221,0,0,0,"Menu",'BORDER=0 USEMAP="#menumap"'); echo ""; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ""; } function nomadII_main() { put_title("main", 60, "Main"); echo "

Welcome to the home page for the Nomad II Linux Driver. This driver supports\n"; echo "the Creative Nomad II, IIc and II MG under Linux running USB for file transfers and\n"; echo "other operations.

"; nomadII_news(); put_bar(); echo "Written by Gabriel Gomiz <gomita@bblanca.com.ar>"; echo "
Maintained by Tom Mander <tom@who.net>"; } function nomadII_footer() { echo '
SourceForge Logo
'; } /* Start */ nomadII_header(); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; nomadII_internal_links(); echo "\n"; switch ($action) { case "links" : nomadII_links(); break; case "download" : nomadII_download(); break; case "documentation" : nomadII_docs(); break; case "history" : nomadII_history(); break; default: nomadII_main(); } echo "
\n"; nomadII_footer(); ?>